

We use «cookies» to track interactions with our website. This lets us know how many visitors we get and what pages they visit. The data we gather tells us your IP address, which web browser you use and which telecom provider you connect via.  Here is an overview of the cookies we use:

_ga (Google Analytics)
Used to distinguish visitors and see if you later visit our site again. Expiry: up to 2 years.

_gat (Google Analytics)
Used to throttle request rate. expiry: 1 minute.

_gid (Google Analytics)
Used to distinguish users. Expiry: 24 hours.

«CONSENT» and «NID» (Google reCaptcha)
reCaptcha is a system provided by Google and used to check if a contact form is being filled out by a person as opposed to a “bot”.

NID (Google Maps)
Google maps cookie for tracking map use.

Cookie for registering whether you have accepted out cookie policy. Expiry: 1 year.

We also use security software on this site to protect against hackers and malicious programs. This software records a visitor’s IP address and attempts to block hack attempts, checking details against a third party security provider. Again, this data is anonymized and is only stored for a matter of hours before being deleted.

If you want to learn more about the general uses of cookies, including how to stop them being stored by your computer, please visit
Cookiepedia – all about cookies.